michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Pooping Path Has Parted

Late on Sunday night, I had a confab with my list of nurses.

"If you don't pass gas,
your stay must last."

If you don't break wind, 
your stay will not end"

"If you don't give a toot, your release time is moot "

"If we don't hear you fart,
you will not depart."

It would be another long night in the hospital. 

But, at 1:20 a.m (I'll never forget the time), the dark skies parted and there were 11 long low gurglings. IS THIS THE MOMENT WHERE I SEE THE PAST TENSE...OF FLATULENCE?

I couldn't hurry, but I  headed to the head and had 4 nice farts and a bowel movement. YES!

I walked to the nurses station and faced my doubters. "Our founding farting fathers have awakened!"

They were happy and I hope that means that I will be exiting stage left sometime today.

Now, it is 2:35, and I am back in bed...wondering if I should trust a fart.


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