
By tridral

Yn mynd i dafarn dwywaith y wythnos

Yn mynd i dafarn dwywaith y wythnos  Going to a pub twice a week

“People say that a time machine can’t be invented, but they’ve already invented a device that can stop time, cameras are the world’s first time machines.”
― Rebecca McNutt

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Dydw i ddim yn mynd i dafarnau fel arfer, ond nawr mae dau ohonyn nhw yn fy mywyd - Earl Haig am Shibashi ac Yr Hollybush am Gymraeg.

Roedd hi'n oer iawn heddiw a thorrodd y gwynt fel cyllell. Ond ni chefais fy rhwystro ac es i i'r cyfarfod o'r grŵp sgwrsio ar ben Yr Eglwys Newydd. Rydw i wedi teimlo fy mod i angen fyrdd i adeiladu fy hyder gyda Chymraeg llafar, ac mae grŵp sy'n sgwrsio yn Gymraeg yn ymddangos fel y peth cywir. Roedd y grŵp yn groesawgar iawn. Mae'n nhw wedi bod yn cyfarfod am ugain mlynedd neu mwy ond roedden nhw'n hapus ffeindio lle am rywun newydd. Roedd yn dda sgwrsio, a hefyd yn gwrando ar bobol arall. Rydw i'n meddwl y bydd e'n codi fy hyder gyda Chymraeg yn bendant.

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I don't usually go to pubs, but now there are two of them in my life - Earl Haig for Shibashi and The Hollybush for Welsh.

It was very cold today and the wind cut like a knife. But I wasn't deterred and went to the chat group meeting at the top of Whitchurch. I've felt that I need a group to build my confidence with spoken Welsh, and a group that chats in Welsh seems like the right thing. The group was very welcoming. They have been meeting for twenty years or more but they were happy to find a place for someone new. It was good to chat, and also listen to other people. I think it will definitely raise my confidence with Welsh.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Tafarn Y Hollybush

Description (English): The Hollybush Pub

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