Landing as I did today with the unusual scenario of large paws in the mist and gloom banging onto my shoulders. Turning round I saw eye to eye a Boxer with a harness on that now in hindsight probably hadn't' ever been used. There was no owner of said harness in sight! You know at this point I thought, this could have been me but wasn't. The owner then appeared apologising with meanwhile in the bad weather I was missing shots ... With her saying. 'Yes I should put her on a lead' - well yes - over 10 minutes . I had owls and I had dog. Keeping calm but spitting bullets. I never uttered a cross word to her but really wondered why she would a) have a dog like that and b) why she didn't just for a few minutes attach her lead on. That became very clear when she tried to do that and she couldn't. I offered help.
Wiping myself down from said foray with the rain having come in I moseyed back and so did my owl. Swings and roundabouts.
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