
By TinyR

The Love Birds

Panther and I have a shared love of medical post-it notes. Weird, I know. It's one of the many things about us that makes me 'do feels'. We were born only 20 days apart; we have a shared dislike of Jamie Oliver and Mumford and Sons, we love mooching, we prefer cool weather to scorching hot (is it autumn yet?),we're both strong-willed fighters, we both look for and love spotting the beauty in the world, we both love our work (aren't we lucky?) and we have a shared plan to create Dinoville. The list goes on but I'll stop myself before I bore you all!

Anyway, this afternoon, he sent me a photo of a post-it note that he had found in his house, and on my request he drew on it for me. I returned the gesture.

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