michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Saturday Seagull

Day three of the "When are going to fart Mr. Welker?" saga. Since they told me it might be one and out (leaving on Friday), I thought this might be the day...the day to push the limits of farterhood.

But alas, it was not. When I take a walk and then sit on the throne, I am reminded of the rhyme that I will not repeat...'Here I sit broken-hearted, I couldn't poop, and never farted. So then I stood to take a chance...didn't do either...not soiling my pants."

Again, the cough is mt biggest problem, A constant cough that affects my sleep, and when I do cough...it just rattles my small incisions. I always hate to talk about pain, because we can't compare each other's pain...but it don't feel good.

Perhaps on the morrow, 

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