Festive Funeral Home
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,
There was a special Xmas event at the funeral home tonight. Caro had to work it, handing out orders of service and raffle tickets.
Consequently, Loulou, Tiger and I went along to show support. In Loulou's case, there was no sufferance. She LOVES Xmas and everything about it. So she happily sat through the Xmas story, read by a celebrant. And she hugged herself with delight at the carols played by a brass band.
Her favourites though, were carols and Xmas songs sung by Beachside Harmony, a barbershop chorus.
I have to admit, they were really good. Their harmonies and humour shone through. Everyone was smiling.
"I LOVE things like that!" said Loulou. "I get so emotional about people doing things in groups that I want to cry! I could never be in a chorus like that because I'd just be bawling at the back!"
I suggested that it might be different if she were actually taking part. She thought about this.
But at this point, the raffle continued! And I WON A THING!
Don't get too excited. It was a $100 voucher for the local car body repair shop. Still you never know. I gave it to Caro and told her it was not licence to crash her car.
After this, we filed out, triumphant. Caro handed out sweets while Loulou enthused about the harmonic chorus.
It was while we were talking to Caro that we suddenly realised Loulou had disappeared! She popped up five minutes later!
"AND I'VE SIGNED YOU UP TOO!" she told Caro.
"But I can't sing!" protested Caro.
"Let me be the judge of that," said the chorus leader.
Caro was aghast. "F*ck sake! I'll have to go around school and old folk's homes being cheerful," she grumbled.
Actually, I think she was secretly quite pleased. And she can too sing.
On the ride home, Tiger and Loulou told me about Loulou's latest Xmas brainwave. She's decided that you shouldn't buy presents for other people, you should buy ONE present for yourself.
"Then you can unwrap it in front of your friends on the day and explain why you wanted it," she went on. "That way your friends will learn about you, plus you get to please yourself!" she said.
I have to admit, it sounds like a good idea.
"Pleasuring yourself in front of your friends while we clap and cheer," said Tiger. "Works for me. 'How many fingers??' That sort of thing."
Conversation ALWAYS turns to self-abuse with these two. It is why we are friends.
p.s. Here's what the Pen*s Plant is doing. It looks like it is getting ready to do something spectacular.
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