Cloud Fingers

You always know the rain is not too far away when you see the fingers dropping down from the clouds.

It rained all night and most of today so we busied ourselves indoors this morning removing the layers of grime which covered the house. Fine weather and holidays have left it in a sorry state of neglect. I am happy to report its now up to spec and gleaming!

Around 4 pm we spotted a patch of blue and headed off with the doggers down to the beach. The sea was stormy and the clouds were threatening but we managed a good hour or so with only the smallest smir of rain

Back home to homemade pizzas with just the right amount of jalapeños followed by Mr Lif's homegrown strawberries and rasps and a dollop of ice cream. Just the ticket!

Dentist at 8.30 begins on a new crown. Dentist on a Monday morning...madness! Must remember to set the alarm for a slightly earlier rise!

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