old and new
The general view of Ankara is that there is not much which need detain the tourist. I think one guide suggested that an afternoon should do it.
In that afternoon, a visit to Ankara Castle (citadel) would have to be first on the list. Something has been around that site for about 3000 thousand years.
The area is under development. The castle itself in unspectacular - basically some very thick walls around a small, central, circular courtyard. But the views from the top are just stunning. All of Ankara is laid before you. It took my breath away.
Difficult choice on which shot to choose. Surrounding the castle is the old city; lots of ramshackle dwellings with no discernible pattern to how they are laid out. All with terracotta roofs - some falling apart, some renewed.
Around the old city is the new city with its tower blocks and road which know where they are going.
I worry that the new city is headed for a take over. They wouldn't, would they?
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