The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

The Boxer

I don't think Erin would make a good boxer. She's got the wiry physique and the moves, but that big grin as she's throwing her punches would be her downfall... not mean and scary enough.

Today we went to the Merchant City Festival in Glasgow. Great day, not too busy due to the showery weather, but lots going on. Erin tried the boxing and the sprint and got a commonwealth games pin badge for collecting stamps on a card from all the vintage athletes.

On the way there we saw a Bollywood movie ("Kick") getting filmed outside the City Chambers - shut the street off and all - meant to be a London street scene with a double decker crashing into a range rover. Looked out for famous Bollywood actors, but to be honest I wouldn't know any if I tripped over them.

Also discovered a fantastic camera shop - Merchant City Cameras, that I thought had shut years ago. Tried out a few primes and the viewfinders for myOly Pen and (ooh I want it!) a Samyang fisheye lens. Great prices.. I'll be back.

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