Casualty !
I knocked over my Texas Santa when I was putting up our decorations and he lost his lasso arm :-(. I will be able to glue it back on and placed on top of my desk hutch for safe-keeping. I rather like how the choir ladies are looking at him.
Today saw T installing our new router -it went relatively smoothly technically but the financial arrangements with old and new providers require follow-up action to claim back a payment for a service we are now longer getting from one and to get our "inducements" from the other.
It was freezing here today (too cold even for me for swimming although some hardy souls did venture in). I walked over to the theatre after lunch for our book group meeting. Although cold it was lovely to be out walking.
Our books was In a Veil of Mist by Donald S Murray which I really enjoyed, so much so I have ordered his earlier book, As the Women Lay Dreaming.
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