
By simonslife


Dry and chilly, another good day starting with some branch/tree removal using the bush saw which Vivienne keeps in the open barn down below the main campsite.
I also put the saw to use in the stream where some troublesome roots were catching debris and forming dams.
A quick trip to deliver a raffle prize which I had collected for someone who had to leave before the draw. My charity shop visit produced a virtually brand new set of 3 saucepans including lids. The general public really are clearing out their lofts and cupboard corners, a plethora of excess items are flooding the charity shops nationwide apparently.
Back home after a short visit to the bike shop to see my friends and have a quick chat about the excess bikes I have now that racing is a great memory rather than part of my future.
A certain Fantastic Mr Fox has joined forces with us and returned home to Amadeus with Dippy keeping a watchful eye on him.
A lovely walk around the drying acreage and just enjoying removing some of the oak leaves from pinch points in the streams.
Pheasant and jackdaws were in full vocal harmony in the roosting areas, Dippy was full of the joys of freedom just stopping now and again to keep one eye on the sheep in the adjacent fields.
A nice chat with Vivienne on the way back before she knocked on the door to present me with a bowl of delicious apple crumble, still piping hot from the Aga.
I had forgotten to plug back in my slow cooker and so the extra vegetables I had added were unchanged in their state of rawness. Mackerel fillets to the rescue it was. A 99p bargain from Sainsbury’s the night before, accompanied by some fresh sourdough and butter which I had cooked the mackerel in it was delicious.
Suitably satiated I relaxed and nodded off in the warmth and comfort of Amadeus with Dipy stretched out on “his “bed”!

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