Not a hummingbird!

I sat in the back yard and watched the hummingbird feeder for over an hour this morning and got two lousy hummer blips. Lousy in both quality and quantity. Guess I will try again tomorrow morning. Maybe my luck will be better.

Instead of a hummer, I blipped this red-bellied woodpecker. He was pretty thrilled with my new feeder. It's bigger...much more to his liking. Today was another beautiful day: mid-eighties and sunny. My kind of weather. The sun is setting now, and I'm ready for a little relaxation. Hope your Thursday has been a good one too.

BTW-The thing that looks sort of like a cow in the background is sort of a cow. It is a planter for flowers that our neighbor made last year. As near as I can tell, there are no flowers in it. It is just sitting in the back of his property, and I wasn't careful enough about which way I aimed my lens.

Meant to say thanks to everyone for the kind comments on yesterday's hummingbird blip, and I did have a great time with my daughter. I bought a new book on photography and we went out for ice cream cones...took my grandson and his cousin with us. A fun evening!

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