Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Out of the habit

Wow, I wish I could quit some other habits as quickly as I seem to have released the daily photo habit. But, I am thinking, it is time to dust off the camera and get out with a camera again.

Since the grand baby arrived, I am more interested in playing with the baby photos his mother sends to me, and I can't wait to get back there to visit again soon. They grow so quickly, so I'm thankful to have gotten to see him when he was small...he is now 20 lbs and 27 inches...and he is ... five months old. I must get back before I can't carry him at all!

Ah, life. So full of blessings and people to love.

I hope your world is treating you kindly today, and I hope to get back to Blipland rhythm soon.

This self portrait cracked me up. No, not just the many chins to count, but how on one side is the kitchen and the other the dining table...story of my life. Either cooking or serving food. I have to admit, I enjoy it though.

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