just be

By justbe

A unwelcomed guest with yellow shoes

This Cooper's Hawk landed on the large rock on our patio. I was able to make this photo through the kitchen window. It has looking for a small bird to add to that talon with a feather. He left empty taloned.

A medium-sized hawk of the woodlands. Feeding mostly on birds and small mammals, it hunts by stealth, approaching its prey through dense cover and then pouncing with a rapid, powerful flight. Of the three bird-eating Accipiter hawks, Cooper's is the mid-sized species and the most widespread as a nesting bird south of Canada.~https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/coopers-hawk

In many cultures, a hawk visit can have a spiritual meaning. Some believe it means you are being watched over, others say hawks are sent as a reminder that you are resilient, and are there to remind you that you can get through anything life throws at you.

For the Record, 
This day came in dry and cooler after the wild rain and wind yesterday.

All hands busy.

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