
By Dakers

Typical Thursday

Usually consists of taking Pat to the Scottish Arts Club for the Life Drawing Class.  I then explore the Royal Botanic Gardens and take about 100 photographs on each visit.

The road conditions were icy and greasy. Driving carefully meant that the journey time was much increased, however, I deposited Pat her destination in Rutland Square, Edinburgh.

Back at RBGE I walked around taking photographs of the grounds and Christmas decorations.

Today’s entry taken along with many others, I drove back to the SAC to pick up Pat.

Apparently the class went well. We then drove back to RBGE to have lunch with our friends Madge and Niall.

The food at RBGE is pretty good and caters for virtually everyone. Of course, Pat is Coeliac and Niall is successfully diabetes. Apparently his iPhone tracks his various levels in real time.

We enjoyed great conversation as well, before parting. Pat and I then drove home safely. Road conditions were OK however, the temparture had remained below freezing for most of the day.

Armed with my favourite tipple of Whisky and Green Ginger wine Pat and I then caught up with the latest episode of ‘Shetland’ and the final of Professional Master Chef.

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