The Ginger Cat
"Silky smooth, delicately spiced, vibrant and opulent. This gin created by Reeba, our Head Distiller is made with tonka beans, Iranian orange flower and orange zest". This gin was my favourite at the gin tasting (and distillery tour) that Kath and I went to at The Gin Kitchen ( in Dorking this afternoon. We took the precaution of arriving early in time for a lunch of pizza with flatbread and tzatziki. It was great fun and finished up with a full cocktail of our favourite. Taking the car seemed to be a foolish plan so I managed to arrange the Mole Valley Community Bus which went pretty much door to door. And had the bonus of being free as I had my trusty Bus Pass! It was lovely to see Kath for the first time for a while and have a catch up over a leisurely lunch.
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