Buy local, but not at Tesco……
Another busy one feeding cattle and various other things. Nipped away with Littlemiss to Haddington to collect a trailer wheel that had been getting a new tyre fitted , then home via Dalkeith Country Park to pick up a Christmas tree. Should have got the chainsaw out and cut one out of some of our woods, but they are all too big now.
Mrs F off out to Edinburgh with her pot luck pals for their annual Christmas meal , so once I had finished up tonight went with Littlemiss to get some shopping at Tesco.
I was most upset to check their end of aisle meat display and discover the beef was all Irish and the lamb from New Zealand. Not any Scotch beef or lamb anywhere.
All this banging on about food miles and saving the planet by sourcing local obviously means nothing to their profits. Bandits.
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