Curry night
I realised this morning when I was packing up a box of items to sell that I’d done something silly yesterday when I took some things to the charity shop. You’ve guessed it, I’d included some gaming dvds in the charity bags. Now I wouldn’t normally care but they were items donated to a previous charity venture which couldn’t be given out and I offered to see if they could be sold for cash instead hence my following up. I gave them a call and they were very understanding and said they’d just started unpacking the bags. So I nipped in the car and headed down there. I received the 7 dvds and rushed home again as we had friends coming over for a takeaway curry and I had the kitchen to clean.
Mistake number 2 was not checking the dvd tithes in the shop as I only got back 3 of the 7 I had donated plus 4 other random titles. The ‘missing’ 4 weren’t going to raise much so I can make up the difference. However I’ve had to email the company I was selling my items to and ask how I can proceed as the price they’ve quoted us no longer valid. It’s been a week of missteps!
Cleaning done I had time to rattle off a couple if face scrubbies before getting showered and dressed. I pre ordered the curry and Mr PhHL collected it, returning home 5 minutes before our friends arrived.
A lovely evening chatting and eating whilst Phin enjoyed playing with their golden lab Una. They brought me a lovely bunch of flowers.
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