Putting the Fun in Funeral
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,
It was the Funeral Home Xmas Gathering on Saturday. Caro was most apologetic.
"They're lovely, but weird," she told me.
We were picked up and taken into Wellington by one of Caro's colleagues and her husband. It was clear they had just had a similar conversation.
It was also VERY clear that Husband was still suffering PTSD from previous Xmasses and was NOT HAPPY about having to go today.
I reassured Husband that we are normal*. And then proceeded to prove my point by drinking with him for the rest of the day.
It wasn't so bad. Husband and me had a few laughs. We went to a teppanyaki place and the food was good.
AND - even though I had beer and whisky and cocktails and sake - I feel okay today. Just very very very tired. It's been a week.
* Relatively.
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