E B !
I would have loved to put a blip up of church today . So beautiful. It was Christingle Service & all had worked so hard both in decorating the church & the Christigles made by the organisations ( scouts / girl guides) The crib was in place now too. The 3rd Sunday in Advent symbol of Joy , nearer to the celebration of Christmas Day.
My church photos were missed as I only got to church a couple of minutes before the choir & clergy went down the isle to the chancel/ alter. This was coursed by my cab being delayed by 45 minutes , as have this mobility problem , & where they choose to pick up!) I need to be out in good time. Therefore I was waiting in the very cool weather for. all this time. Then when I ordered one to go back home the app choose to send it home to pick up instead of church , this cancelled, although they still went? I reordered & the same thing happened again, grr, fortunately someone offered to give me a lift.
It’s becoming very cold tonight, so hope you’re all keeping warm. Have a good evening all.
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