Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Bring Me Sunshine

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I love this picture so much. It makes me laugh.

I had the best day. After waking up GRUMPY from deprived sleep* I got to work and chatted happily to Olly. 

As is often the case with me, I got onto one of my favourite topics: The Princess**. I forget how Hoo-Ha cream came up exactly, but come up it did. Just as Olly was taking a mouthful of coffee.

"I nearly spat that all over you," she said. 

I was very happy. 

Fazzy arrived shortly afterward and we also had a lovely chat. I explained to Fazzy about Loulou's concept of Selfish Santa, where you buy a Secret Santa present for yourself, then let everyone else see it so they can learn something about you.

We decided to go to Whitcoull's which is a shop like WH Smith and find ourselves something there. It was such FUN.

"Oh my god, my socks are squishy," complained Olly.

"My feet are SOAKING," said Fazzy, who was wearing sandals.

"You nearly poked me in the eye with your umbrella!" continued Olly.

Jesus. I had to offer to buy them chocolate. 

Anyway. We bought ourselves something in Whitcoulls and then stopped into the special chocolate shop to get - WHOA THERE OLLY

She nearly walked in front of a car, I touched her shoulder to stop her but she kept on going so I had to touch her again!

"He just saved your life," said Fazzy. 

"I think she thought I was inappropriately touching," I said. "She just kept on going. It was your SHOULDER, Olly, Jesus." 

Olly was having trouble breathing. "I have other friends," she said, "but no-one makes me laugh like you two."

So I bought them chocolate and Olly bought me a coffee and WHOA THERE OLLY AGAIN

She did it again! Nearly walked right into traffic! 

"I think she's TRYING to get me to touch her!" I said.

Anyway. I then regaled the pair with stories of my hernia, and Fazzy and I then tried to explain the delights of Marks and Spencer to Olly. 

It was a full day. Some work got done. But mostly, I had fun with my lovely FOBS friends. I told them both how much they made me smile. 

They bring me sunshine.


* I had to sleep on the couch due to impromptu houseguest.

** Olly very much wants to meet you and wants to know when you are coming back.

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