
By Ingleman

Moon Before Yule

Yesterday's Full Moon is/was 99.78% illuminated.  I didn't capture it yesterday. But I did get up early today to see the sun rise and the moon set.

Tonight's moon is a Waning Gibbous at 99.5% illuminated.

I took my shot handheld at 08.49 this morning. It was magical, fully illuminated and with a halo from early morning cloud. The sky was blue and visibility was good.

But I confess I wasn't sure if it was still a full moon at this time of day because it is the 16th today. So I googled it and I think I can safely say it was still a full moon even though I had my pyjamas on and hadn't cleaned my teeth.

I don't usually like my moon photos because they are not very good. The cloud has interferred with this shot but I am reasonably happy with it, although it is massively cropped.

There won't be another full moon now until next year.

As Strong Arm Louis once said.."What a wonderful world"

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