Bags are packed.
Swam, the pool was busy, then home to tidy and complete my landing card. It was blowy and wet outside but S went into town.
I ended up doing a lot of bits 'n pieces of tying up ends then my B12 (it is mad, a 10 minute appointment for a 30 sec jag). Then I had to sort out something for work before finally getting round to tidying my room and cleaning the en-suite. It certainly needed it.
Had lunch and then back to cases. It all seemed to balance so moved to the front room and then sat down to read my book, Sara Sheridan's Glasgow story.
After dinner, watched TV and then eventually, at 8, #3 and H arrived bearing things and lots of stories about their weekend in Inverurie, tractors, reindeer, panto and Castles.
After they left we watched a timeslip S(C}HOTY but I gave Strike a miss. And then closed the day with more shoogling of luggage.
Taxi booked for before 4. It will be a short night.
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