
A day of tasks, but with enough time to share one corner of His Lordship's triangular yogurt crunchy biscuit in the Two Thin Laddies cafe.

HL bought our Euros for France and I changed my Scottish Bank notes for English ones to send to my small grandson in deepest darkest West Yorkshire where they hold Scottish money up to the light with a suspicion bordering on the extreme.

Then it was time to make THE CAKE, the particular hair shirt that I wear every seven months for my book group gathering.
We meet tomorrow evening and gluten free has to be the way to go for one of our coeliac members.

With no other baking practice in the cake free environs of the Dower House, I am always tentative about a successful outcome, and so I made it this morning with the proviso that if it seems a disaster, I can still hop out and buy a meringue case to fill with fruit tomorrow.

It's out of the oven and cooling as I type. It looks as if it might be edible: I just hope it keeps fresh until tomorrow....... Oh the worries of a non domestic goddess.

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