Utility room floor!
You’d think this boring..
if you hadn’t seen the state
of it beforehand!
Our utility room so easily becomes the dumping ground for every cardboard box or swimming bag or generally anything that won’t fit in a cupboard.. We had reached the ‘I can’t really fit into this room’ stage of things.. so I’ve had a pre-Christmas Clear Out. Obviously all progress will be wiped out with Christmas Tat that accumulates, inexplicably. But for today, I feel happy. (Just pretend the window sill and worktops and are also as clear as the floor and also.. ignore the mop!)
Other than that.. Mr KCNQ2Haiku’s root canal went well.. in that it was less scary than he expected and it was all done in one sitting. He is a little tender but instead of resting has done some baking and gone on his bike :-/ I’m taking it as a positive that he can Carry On. Ben had his last carer session before Christmas so I watched some Bake off with Older Teen, we have made it to the final- go us :-) Also we had some builders doing some patching up of a wall and helping with some damp in the bathroom, it’s a good step as things were getting a bit Necessary.. but of course Ben has come in at 7pm and stuck his fingers straight into the wet plaster on the wall.. sigh. Oh well, Seabass for tea and the main thing is that Mr KCNQ2Haiku is able to chew!! :-D
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