
By WeeDragon_J


Treated myself to flowers with my foodie order today. Will be a while yet until I will be able to get to the shops and to be able to carry things.

You probably heard me swearing, from wherever you are, with trying to access repeat prescriptions online which I’ve never done before, used to get via the GP. All new, for me, but hopefully maybe easier next time.

Had a walk after lunch then felt so tired after also putting everything away in n cupboards.

Made myself some salmon tonight with spring onions & mushrooms, salad pasta & a pouring of parsley sauce. Nice to make an effort rather than always ready made stuff. Cooked both bits of fish today so easier for tomorrow’s tea.

Got a phone call from hospital at lunchtime & have to get results of tests from after operation on Thursday so my anxiety has been up again.

Right timing to get flowers for myself!

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