Look away now...

...if you're feeling squeamish, but I had to do it. Couldn't resist. I haven't seen my foot for 2 weeks - I'm glad to have it back even looking like that!! (Nothing a touch of Chanel Rouge Noir can't fix ;-) )

Had appointment with nurse to have it checked. I was close to panicking when she announced that it said on my notes that the consultant wanted to see me as the results were back. She left me sitting there with my exposed, battered foot while she went to find him. You can imagine what went through my head. By the time she came back with him the tears were rolling.
It was good news however!!! :-) it was as he had thought and results confirmed tumour was benign!! Consultant wanted me to know now rather than wait for my appointment with him later in the holidays! Phew!! Amazing how much you can think/imagine/assume in 2 minutes!!

Anyway all is good! Flights to Germany booked!! Time to focus on my dad now!! And then I am looking forward to a fantastic week in sunny Corfu with my lovely husband :-)

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