Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Garden Jay


I've not blipped a Jay for a couple of weeks, and they continue to visit the garden every now and again. 

Took Mum to another appointment with the audiologist to sort out the hearing aids that she got in the summer. They were very good and replaced both receivers and gave us new wax filters which are MUCH easier to manage with. Mum has arthritis in her fingers so finds it hard to manage small fiddly things so I have been doing it, but was having trouble with one of them. All sorted now though. 
picked up the last of Mum's gift shopping on the way home and then spent a few hours at home doing a jigsaw and reading before going back to Mum's for SPOTY. All very deserving winners, especially Mark Cavendish for his lifetime achievement award. We were very disappointed not to see him on the main award list, but now we know why - much better :) 

Too late when I got home to download and sort through images from the garden, hence the backblip. 

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