Elwetritsches Welt

By Elwetritsche


Not homemade. Couldn't think of a blip.

Working from home, and down to my basic required hours.
All 3 of my other colleagues are either on holidays or ill for the rest of the week. Surprise! Much fun was had, and to my own surprise I was pretty chilled all day. I just let the phone ring, when I didn't feel like answering it. I never ever do that, but today I just let it ring and ring and ring and ring. Perhaps it's still ringing. Oh yes, and I didn't react to messages 'call back'.

Please don't call me tonight. I'm still practicing and will not answer. One and a half day more practicing time for me before end of this workyear.

17:35; 11°C (can't believe this, wasn't outside once)

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