Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


I thought this the most wonderful example of camoflauge when I saw the jay in the reserve this morning.  I was walking through with my camera, so on the alert, but nearly missed it altogether.  The jay was under a web of heavy dark branches very low to the ground and moving rather slowly and deliberately, not like a blackbird which will toss leaves about at a great rate searching for grubs, but picking up each crispy leaf one at a time and moving it over left to right - more like housekeeping than looking for food.

Once in town, like the birds I was looking for supper.  Really it's been a pretty busy day and once again I've failed to get the Christmas decs out of the cupboard.  If I leave it much longer they won't come out at all..

Have a happy evening - and stay well  xx

PS:  I've only just been able to post this (like plenty of you).  I'm therefore leaving my commenting until the morning..

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