
By JennyOwen

Gimme shelter

Looking for a seasonal image, I went into the front garden to photograph the winter honeysuckle, a favourite plant that reliably flowers at this time of year (it has a wonderful scent too).
I only spotted the tiny insect as I was focusing on the blossom.  I have so little knowledge about insects that I have no idea whether or not it's unusual to see these fragile little creatures in mid-December. Maybe they're always there, just sheltering out of sight when it's colder than it is now. I got engrossed in looking at the tiny body, visible through the transparent folded wings. A nice moment.
Otherwise I can report that the guinness chocolate loaf is definitely a good bet.  It's yeast-based, and is definitely more of a bread than a cake.  The recipe offers the option of including small pieces of dark chocolate or leaving them out; on balance, I don't think it needs them. But including them does produce a really luxurious result. The recipe comes from Rosanne Cecil's book 'Loaves for All Seasons', which I think is probably out of print now. She used to have a small bakery in Glenarm, where we go on holiday most summers, and we met her there some years ago. If anyone's curious about the recipe details, I'm happy to post them.

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