
By Arachne


I really didn't mean to climb into the attic and get down the box of old Christmas lights. I have much more important things to do.

And I really didn't mean to check to see which strings work and which don't, and test all the bulbs and throw out the blown ones and move the working ones around to make more twinkly lengths. Nor did I intend to check online to see whether 25-year-old incandescent fairy lights are replaceable (no of course they aren't but, well, you have to be sure).

And I didn't mean to stick the working ones up on the stairs.

Nor did I mean to buy some red and orange and yellow tissues paper to... Well, OK, I'll blip that idea in a couple of days' time if it works.

Now, excuse me while I just go and get out the tea lights and their holders...

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