
By tridral

Dwy torth fach

Dwy torth fach ~ Two small loaves

“I am an eye. A mechanical eye. I am the machine that reveals the world to you as only the machine can see it.”
― Dziga Vertov

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Roedd heddiw diwrnod blinedig. Dydw I ddim yn gwybod pam. Efallai'r amser o'r flwyddyn, fy oedran, y tywydd, ond nid oherwydd unrhywbeth rydw i wedi gwneud, rydw i'n siŵr.

Gorffennais i lapio anrhegion, Felly rydw i'n barod am Nadolig yn y ffordd yna o leiaf. Hefyd defnyddiais i'r ffrïwr aer newydd goginio bara. Mae'r droriau yn fach (o'i gymharu â'r hen ffrïwr aer) ond mae dau ohonyn nhw, felly mae dwy dorth fach gyda ni. Rydyn ni'n hefyd wedi danfon ein cardiau Nadolig o amgylch y Clos ac wedi stopio am sgwrs gyda'r hen fenyw drws nesa.

Rydyn ni angen cwpl o bethau o'r siopau. Awgrymodd Daniel y dylwn i fynd allan ar bump o'r gloch y bore, pan mae'r siopau yn dawel. Cawn weld.

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Today was a tiring day. I don't know why. Maybe the time of year, my age, the weather, but not because of anything I've done, I'm sure.

I finished wrapping presents, So I'm ready for Christmas in that way at least. I also used the new air fryer to cook bread. The drawers are small (compared to the old air fryer) but there are two of them, so we have two small loaves. We've also delivered our Christmas cards around the Close and stopped for a chat with the old lady next door.

We need a couple of things from the shops. Daniel suggested that I should go out at five o'clock in the morning, when the shops are quiet. We’ll see.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Dwy torth fach ar ôl coginio mewn ffrïwr aer. Mae'r ffotograff wedi'i brosesu gyda ffilter dramatig.
Description (English) : Two small loaves after cooking in an air fryer. The photograph has been processed with a dramatic filter.

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