Moody Skies
It snowed lightly in the night, but I had planned to go over the lake to Evian today for an early Christmas celebration with Jean. It was safer to go today as the weather forecast shows turbulences on the lake from Sunday onwards.
The early morning sky was magnificent with amazing clouds in rich colours and the sun trying to come through. I especially loved the sunrays shining over the water in the upper part of the collage. The steam boat is the one I took for the crossing.
I had an exhausting day with three hours travelling there and back with a heavy caddie to lift up and down on the various forms of transport (the bus is the worst because one has to step up and lift the heavy load. Poor back! Lots to do in Evian besides the meal and clearing up, necessary shopping needed, telephone calls and seeking 'lost' or mislaid important papers.
I was pleased to make Jean happy, but I flaked out on the couch for an hour on my return (after feeding Honey so that she wouldn't walk over me to remind me)!
I will visit your photos tomorrow when I'm back to my usual good energy level! Goodnight!
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