
By simisue


Today, is the shortest day of the year
in the Northern Hemisphere. Where I live
in Southern California, our day length
was 9 hours 53 minutes of sunlight:
SUNRISE: 6:54. SUNSET: 4:48.

“Astrological seasons are marked by the
SOLSTICE & EQUINOX, with the first
day of Winter beginning, today, on the
Solstice & ending with the Spring Equinox.”
(Summer Solstice follows)
(Washington Post)

The good news: starting tomorrow, “the pendulum swings toward longer &
brighter days, for the next six months.
Even though mornings will still feel dark &
winter’s coldest days are ahead, we will
start getting a bit more daylight tomorrow.”

Those “little bits” of daylight will add up.
Snuggle up- - brighter days are ahead.

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