
By Ridgeback13

Ups and downs

I woke early so decided to just get up and do some baking. I made a batch of Scandinavian meringue, chocolate and nut biscuits and then a tinfoil of shortbread. As I was putting the shortbread away I tasted a broken piece…drat I’d missed out the caster sugar and they didn’t taste right at all. I’ll have to start again! (Couldn’t face doing it today though!)
Had some breakfast and a chat to A, then rather belatedly I got dressed. There was no sign of the stormy weather that had been forecast so I nipped out to the local shops for some food items and cleaning products, then came home to get stuck into the cleaning. Did quite well but there’s more to do.
Chatted to T as he was on his way to the shops about how work8s going and plans for Christmas Day. I wrapped some florentines and a bottle to take to the party tonight then got ready. By then the weather had deteriorated, with gusty wind and fairly heavy rain, so it wasn’t pleasant out there and it took some determination to head out into it. I decided to go on the bus and although I had a bit of a wait for it I arrived without looking like a drowned rat.
The house was beautifully decorated and looking gorgeous. I was pleased to bump into the Bs early on and chatted to them for a while about societal changes since the pandemic, then I saw D who was his usual self. His wife was lovely and we talked scarf designers, interior design and Marrakesh. There was champagne on tap for those who partook, and several very tasty canapes and bowls of food. C&I’s grown up children were there with a number of their friends looking carefree and chatting about backpacking and sport and University.
I left about 9.30 and battled through the wind and rain to Princes St to catch a bus home. Altogether a lovely evening.

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