Log Jam
Well this day didn't go as planned. Actually, there wasn't much of a plan but if there had been, it wouldn't have happened. We were awake for many of the wee small hours of the morning trying to deal with pain in John's neck. Everything I tried to do seemed to be making it worse so by 8:15 we were on our way to Urgent Care. I wasn't sure there was much they could do for him, but we decided it would be worth it just for somebody he would listen to to tell him he didn't have anything life threatening, even though it does seem to be extremely painful.
Three hours later we were on our way home with a diagnosis of cervical sprain. The treatment is Advil+Tylenol (ibuprophen+acetaminophen) ice, heat and physical therapy. Kathy, bless her heart, has agreed to see him tomorrow morning.
I called Dana from the Urgent Care waiting room, filled with masked people in varying states of misery, to tell her where we were in case they decided to walk up with Blake. When we got home we found Jim here watching football with Spike. Bless his heart too. I didn't mean for him to stay with Spike, but perhaps it was a good excuse for him to watch football....I took him down to the bridge to check out the creek, and the picture of the growing log jam is the only one I got today. There doesn't seem to be much water getting through it anymore, but the other side of the creek is still open. Here is the way it looked on the 14th. It's a bit hard to tell the difference because today's shot was much closer, but there seem to be a lot more rocks stuck underneath there.
Last night I doused my scalp with olive oil before going to bed. My friend Gail, the aesthetician, told me it was the best treatment (and cheapest) she knew for itchy scalp. The plan was to wash it out first thing this morning, but instead, I went olive oil and all. It felt really good, and looked better, I'm sure, after I finally managed a shower and shampoo. I was starting to look like a tossed salad by the time we got home....
I think I'm going to try and take a nap now...I usually can't, but I have a feeling it might just work today....
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