
By Memories4Me

The Christmas Unicorn

No tree would be complete without the Christmas Unicorn.  I got this one at the National Museum of Scotland a few years ago.  Of course, the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.  I saw the famous Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloister's Museum in NYC in the late 1980's.  A medieval marvel.  I also saw the reproduced tapestries at Sterling Castle in Scotland right after they were installed in 2014.  It took over 14 years of work to complete and the artisans visited the Cloisters for guidance.  When I showed Henry the picture of the captured unicorn (in the extras) from Sterling castle, he was very concerned, but I reassured him, Scotland's unicorn is wild and free and running in the hills of the Highlands!  If you want to read about the Scottish tapestries, here's a link.

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