Brother Behind Bars Blip
My sprained ankle was causing me trouble again today and so I was still unable to accompany my brother on our usual early morning run but it was a lovely crisp winter's day so we made plans to try and get out for a walk later regardless of my vexatious joint.
When it reached lunchtime we decided on a stroll, in my case very slowly and with a bit of a shuffling motion, back down to The Chequers to try their food offering for the first time since they have reopened. We settled on three small plates, which were all delicious, between us and a pint and half of beer each (quite the sesh for us) during which I strangely didn't seem to notice my ankle pain at all!
We then had to make the return walk/shuffle back home but stopped off briefly at one of our local recreation grounds, Ferryfields, to try and capture our images for the day as the light was casting some interesting shadows.
For my image I again had to draw on the services of my brother to act as my 'muse' whilst I took some shots of him in various poses behind a little shelter just inside the entrance to the recreation ground in the hope of creating a diverting silhouette or two but somehow the result ended up looking a bit sinister - like the poor chap was imprisoned behind bars!
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