Not an Abstract Poodle…
… Although..?
This little cup is Japanese and links with the whole Tea Ceremony thing.
I have been reading ‘The Wisdom of Tea’ and have been intrigued by the mindful and beautiful ceremony of Tea. (Which takes decades to learn apparently).
It is a gift for a friend who will ‘get it’ immediately. (Family with a poodle might like one too? Too late! I bought it in Vienna).
I have worked today. It’s been a joyful day, but no sitting down! And no Tea! (No time).
I arrived home in time for the Carols from Kings and completed the listening in bits.. It’s that final descant of ‘O Come..’ that finishes me every time. (In a Good Way).
The recipe beside the tea cup has nothing whatsoever to do with it, but just crept in fancying a bit of the limelight. (Sticky and Crispy Sesame Cauliflower if anyone is interested).
Cassava flour though? Good luck in finding that! (Not round here anyway).
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