
By Beckett

HOW CAN IT BE ...........

........ Remember this - our Camellia Japonica was finally into it's wonderful flowering mode!
Over the last couple of years (it is an old bush) we have noticed it is "throwing back" to the "base" white the breeders had obviously used to pollinate and "design" this colour and flower.
The ones that come out like this have varying amounts of the red/pink splashed through as well.
Just thought this looked so different, and being a "softy" for my flowers had to share with my friends on Blip.


Speaking of which, I am blown away by your lovely comments and support and yesterdays bee shot also hit Spotlight - if only for a short while but got there.
So a warm thank you, it is the first time I have had two days in a row.

And, if you check out this, it will give you a clue to my next challenge!!!!
Watch this space?


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