We're getting there
An early shop at Tesco's which was surprisingly quiet, back to Chudleigh to collect the duck from the market butcher. Dropped our shop home, then drove down to CK.
Made Mum's breakfast, walked Indie. Mum had a visitor, Diana who also lives in the cul-de-sac had brought a card & pressie. We had a lovely chat for half an hour before she headed home. Mum & I then wrapped up the great grandchildrens presents. We made labels with last year's Xmas cards. Mum wrote the messages with my help.
I made Mum's lunch & stayed until she had eaten it then headed home. Nearly 3pm before we ate lunch.
I made the stuffing, cooked the giblets for stock, & prepared the duck. I'll scold the skin tomorrow.
Made veggie soup for dinner while listening to Carols from King's.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday.
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