Return to the North

By Viking


Not the best of photos but sums up the day. We had lunch round at my cousins’ house. A lovely time was had by all but we were all conscious of those who were at the table last year but not this. My uncle who passed away in Sept and Aileen who died in March. Their spirits were with us as we laughed and cried.

I wrote the poem’ such as it is this morning

Joy - enjoy the time opening presents,
But spare a thought for those who have none.
Love - surrounded by family and friends as we share Christmas,
But spare a thought for those who are alone or feeling nothing but despair.
Peace- in the quiet of the house before the chaos of Christmas begins,
But spare a thought for those who live not knowing when the bomb will drop, where the next meal is coming from or when they will be free to speak.
Hope- that the coming year will bring joy, love and peace to all,
But spare a thought for those who do not feel hope, those who cannot see their way out of the darkness, and for who Christmas is a horrible time of year .

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