The second half of life..

By twigs

Spring signs

Managed to get away early-ish from work and headed home excited in anticipation of parcel waiting for me.

I bought a small laptop last week to take travelling with me. I'm not sure whether it's going to be powerful enough to handle large RAW files and Lightroom so I'm keen to get my hands on it and try it out.

I had hoped it would be delivered on Saturday and was disappointed when I discovered the seller hadn't sent it with Saturday delivery. I'd have to wait. Monday rolled around but no laptop :) So today I knew it would be here when I arrived home.

It wasn't.

Phone calls to the Courier company have yielded nothing so far. It's always a risk buying second hand stuff online and whilst I'm sure everything will work out fine I'm still disappointed I've had to wait :( Patience in these situations is most definitley not one of my virtues.

If only the mail deliveries were as predictable and regular as spring following winter . . . . .

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