Started the day with a cuppa in bed & we opened our presents to each other.
Much later we shook the boys awake & eventually I got everyone into the car to J9s mums.
There it was a lot of chatting until the chaps went to the pub & I went to do my annual stint in their kitchen.
Carnivore & vegetarian roast dinners were cooked, made more entertaining this year by their ancient gas cooker deciding one ring on the hob would only work as long as you kept the control pressed in. So one handed cooking it was & regular relighting of aforementioned ring.
Anyway, everyone seemed happy, something that is thankfully easy to achieve with pissed meat eaters in my experience.
J9s mum was initially on good form but as the day wore on, & inevitably got louder, she struggled. Her dementia seems ruthless in its advancement.
Anyway, presents were exchanged, I drove us home in fog, I walked the dog, presents exchanged with the boys.
I felt like I could finally relax when it was mince pie & Wallace & Gromit O’clock.
A long day with good parts.
That’s enough.
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