
By Ingleman


I was up early today. It looked like an unusual day outside and I was keen to get at it.

I drove uphill to the Edge and was treated to a show of wonderful conditions that I have rarely experienced before.

A dense veil of fog shrouded everything. I knew where I was, which was a good thing because I couldn't see much, but gradually the light came filtering through the mist and shapes began to appear.

Looking north I was treated to a huge fogbow but my shots of it were unsatisfactory for various reasons.

Looking south towards the Corvedale where I live, very little could be seen. At one point a break in the cloud revealed the summits of the Clee Hills but again my pictures failed to impress.

But I did like this shot of the nearby trees and the strange light that seemed to infiltrate the scene.

So there you have it. My picture in the fog. 

One of many.  (Better viewed large?)

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