Today I enjoyed a relaxed day after all that the Christmas stress. That meant no alarm and a loooooong sleep in the morning.
I even sat in the sun (!) on the balcony, wrapped in a blanket and started to read my new book: "Normal und die Zero Heroes"
Just my kind of humour (Normal works in the emergency call center in a world where everyone has superpowers. Everyone except him. That's annoying. His boss Simona can impose her will on him, and his colleague always disappears when there's work to be done. Worse still: since the launch of the ultra-modern BackApp, only heroes with ridiculous abilities work for the emergency call center. But when a new supervillain appears who can steal powers, Normal and the Zero Heroes are the only ones who stand in his way, since they have nothing to lose.)
For dinner I made another family tradition, a kind of Coq au Vin with croquettes. You see, the meal got at least one star ;-))
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