
By Ridgeback13


Mx woke up and came to tell me he’d had a lie in…it was 7.12am instead of his usual bang on 7! Once we were all up and showered Mt took the kids and Higgs out for a walk whilst I made a Spanakopita and a lemon crunch pie to take to A&N’s later and H caught up on an assignment prep for her course.
We got organised and set off down to the Borders. Not as sunny as yesterday…indeed there were some spots of rain on the way there…but still very mild.
We arrived and A was just finishing preparing a lovely buffet lunch which bizarrely we were hungry for! Having devoured it we started playing some games….the What Am I? game that Mx had got yesterday which was good, then scooping cotton wool balls into a dish whilst blindfold, then the old chestnut of dressing up and cutting up chocolate whilst people are trying to throw a double on the dice to take over from you (what’s that game called I wonder?!), and finally passing a candy cane down the line of your team by only using another candy cane gripped in your teeth…very tricky! Mx just lay on the sofa, not up to the games, but he did rally a bit to toast some giant marshmallows with AR at the wood burner. We tried charades but the kids didn’t quite get the idea as they’d never played it before and hadn’t heard of the titles that we tried. All very good fun anyway, and we swapped presents and ate some more then left. Photos of the day including a new light mask were shared with T who sent back one of him with a sheet mask on looking suitably ghoulish! He’d been to see the Saints (losing!) and was now relaxing before going back to work tonight.
We drove home, with AR wanting to listen to Taylor Swift as we drove, and we hooked their car up to the charging point on the way past it.
We had a quiet evening whilst we planned the next few days of things and AR showed me her new headphones that she got for her birthday…she’s very pleased with them!
Another lovely day.

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