Hanging out
I slept pretty well and didn't wake up fully till 8. Then I spent the rest of the morning tidying up accounts and deciding about Sabah. I decided not to do the river, jungle experiences, partly because I saw orang utan and proboscis monkeys when I was in Sarawak in, 2013? Finally decided a hotel stay in KK and then a couple of nights in an island resort - January discount.
The haze was really thick this morning and the AQ wasn't good but luckily it improved in the afternoon and the girls and I went to the pool, but only for an hour as it started raining and Amelia decided she had a sore throat. Back in HK I got found out and berated, my own fault for trying to be helpful. All of that got superseded by something that will require a dental visit tomorrow. But I watched The King and then 'Wallace and Gromit' with the girls on the tablet, I thought it was quite long.
WH was working today so dinner, the last of the leftovers, wasn't till after 7. Then they took the tables back and we all watched Now You See Me 2, an even more ridiculous story.
I need to start working on my 'to do' list. My time here is not long.
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