
By Pinkhairedlady

Boxing Day shenanigans

A rather chilled day with a walk to the supermarket with the dog and my brother in law and nephew in the morning. Lunch was a huge chicken, stuffing and bread sauce sandwich. I did add a couple of lettuce leaves to make it healthier.

Caught up on the washing and ironing in the afternoon whilst our visitors headed down to Princes street for a look at the shops. A quick run round with the Hoover, made a couple of salads and got things sorted in the dining room and I had a couple of minutes to sit down before my dog walking friend Paz and her husband and son arrived with their spaniel Ramos. As Paz is Spanish I thought she would get in with Sara and they had a good time chatting away. I had hoped her son Nathan (who ys14) might hit it off with Tommy as they are both footballers and enjoy video games but the 3 year age gap was a little too wide.

A lovely evening but stayed up far too late again finishing off the red wine from Christmas Day!

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